Thursday, June 20, 2019

Optimizing Time in the Heat

It's summertime in the South, so it is very hot and humid outside right now. It is tough to get in optimal training when it is scalding, so I thought I would share some tips about how I optimize training in the heat.

Make sure you stay on top of hydration. I typically suggest that my athletes drink one bottle (20-24 oz) of hydration mix per hour of ride time, but in the hot and humid conditions (85 degrees Fahrenheit and above) I tell my athletes they should drink more often. I suggest one bottle of hydration mix per every 45 minutes of ride time. My go to hydration mix is SWORD. It has a great flavor and few ingredients, so it is easy on the stomach. It is also the most effective hydration beverage I know of.

Another thing I do in the hot conditions during the summer is start my rides early (as close to sunrise as possible), especially on a long ride where I do a lot of intense intervals. I do this because it is the coolest time of the day. During the early part of the ride I do my intervals, so I can hit a lot of power for the intervals. Then I do my endurance/ zone two riding after my intervals and during the hottest part of the day. Doing the workout this way I make sure I nail big power for my intervals, and I acclimate to the heat while riding at a lower intensity.

If you are racing in the heat you should sit in your car with the AC on as long as possible before the race. Get out of the car as late as possible to start an effective warm-up. Do not warm-up on the trainer as this will cause your core temperature to rise a ton before the race. Causing your core temperature to rise will decrease your performance. Warm-up on the road where wind can blow over your body and keep you cool. Also wear an ice sock, a pantyhose filled with ice, during your race. Attach ice socks to water bottles you take for feeds, so you can stay cool throughout the race. Place the ice sock just below your neck in your jersey pocket. You could also train with ice socks to help keep your core temperature cool during training.

These are my tips for staying cool and optimizing training time in the scorching heat of summer. Get the most out of yourself during these hot days!

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