Friday, June 23, 2006


Today I went to the doctor because I haven't been feeling well the past few days. I have had a sore throat, some congestion, and some tightness in my chest. The doctor's office here has some differences to doctor's offices in the US. First of all I just walked into a room where I waited for the doctor to come. There are no receptionists to take your name or anything. There were just a few chairs and a Lego set. The doctor came in after about ten minutes of waiting. Then we went into his office/ patient room. His computer and desk was in there along with a patient table. We first sat at the desk, and he took my name and asked my symptoms. Then he took a look at my throat, ears, and breathing. He came to the conclusion that I have an upper respiratory tract infection. Then he gave me a prescription and I was off. I didn't even have to pay anything. It was pretty sweet. Hopefully I will be well for my next race, IWT, on the 28th.

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